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Sunday, 29 July 2012
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Mts Recharge Trick
DATA CARD Free Recharge Trick - MTS
Mblaze Free 3G Data Card Hacking Trick May 2012 - Latest Gprs Tips
Hello To All World Of DataMind Readers . I hope all are fine . in past i have post lots of tricks for Various types networks and today i am going to first time to post trick free for MTS Mblaze Data card 2012 . So Guys Follow Given below Steps For Do this .
This Trick Only For Getting 150 MB 3G Data Free in your MTS Mblaze Datacard .
1. First you Go To MTS Official website
2. Now You Left Side Click on Get Free Data .
3. in Next Step Fill your Name , Email Address , Mobile Number Then Click On Submit Button .
4. After Sometime your will get details through your email address for claiming the free data .
Note - This Free Recharge only For Prepaid Customers .
That's it Guys Enjoy :)
Friday, 4 May 2012
Kaspersky Antivirus
Download Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 beta for 90 days
If you are the daily user of the Internet then you must have a antivirus software to protect your PC from the viruses and the other unwanted programs.
There are many of the antivirus but many of us also like the Kaspersky as the best one. So, we are here to inform you about the latest version of the Kaspersky i.e., Internet Security 2013 beta.
You can download Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 Beta (Technology Preview) by clicking on the following link (By Softonic).
You can also download Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 Beta from here.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
to Watch Live IPL Match on YouTube
Premier League,the most popular cricket match is running this time.Many of you
are watching the IPL match on your Televisions.But did you know that,you
can also watch the Live IPL cricket march on YouTube.Yes! it is true!
there are many YouTube channels,which are providing you this awesome
Below is the small list of some YouTube channels,which will allow you to watch the IPL match, free of cost.
Below is the small list of some YouTube channels,which will allow you to watch the IPL match, free of cost.
Watch Live IPL Match
on your PC
- The official IPL broadcasting website
on Indiatimes.com,they
will allow you to watch live IPL match.
- If you want to watch the IPL
match then visit CLICK HERE
- If the above links do not
worked for your location,then you can try willow.
Enjoy Guys! and don't forget to post your comments.
Use Cellphone as a remote
How To Control Your Computer with Your Cell Phone By World Of
Have you ever been away from your desktop and needed some information that was on it? Have you ever needed to shutdown your computer or do something underhanded while away? In this post I am going to show you how to control your PC from your Cell Phone.
There is a program called CellPC that allows you to perform operations on your home/work PC via your cell phone or wireless device quickly and easily. Imagine being able to shutdown, restart, or logoff your PC remotely.
.. search files on your computer and then send them to your cell phone... view a realtime screenshot of your computer at anytime... lockdown your computer... send a message/note/reminder to your computer... and much more!
CellPC Top Features:
- Perform Shutdowns, Restarts, Logoffs
- View a Screenshot of your Computer
- Search for and Retrieve Files
- View and Close Open Windows
- Customizable Commands Editing
- Be Alerted when your Computer is Used View and Close
Open Applications
- Send Messages to your Computer
- Lock and Unlock your Computer
- Secure Command Execution
- Log all Access Attempts and Commands
- Disable/Enable Commands at will
How does CellPC Work?
Will CellPC Work for Me?
CellPC can work with any Windows computer as long as it has a steady internet connection while the software is running.
If you want to verify that CellPC will work with your device, contact the CellPC support team so you can send them a test message from your phone.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
How to Hack a Yahoo Password
Is it possible to hack Yahoo?
Yes! As a matter of fact, it is possible
to hack almost any email password. But before you learn the real ways
of hacking, the following are the things you should be aware of:
1. Never trust any hacking service that
claims to hack Yahoo password for just $100 or $200. In most cases they
will rip off your pockets with false promises. Sometimes they may
even start to threaten you by blackmailing that they are going to inform
the victim or the cyber crime officials about your hack attempt. So, to
be on the safer side, it is better to stay away from such scam
2. Beware! On many
websites and web portals you will often come across a fake tutorial on
email hacking. The tutorial will tell you something like “You need to
send the target email address along with your username and password
to [yahoo_pass_reset@yahoo.com] (or similar)” to hack the password of
the target account. This method seems too good to be true but, if you
follow this method, you will lose your own password in attempt to hack
someone else’s password.
With my experience of over 7 years in the field of hacking and cyber security, I can tell you that there are only TWO ways to hack Yahoo password. They are keylogging and phishing.
All the other email hacking methods are simply scam or don’t work! The following are the only 2 foolproof methods that work.
1. Keylogging: Easiest Way to Hack Yahoo Password
Using a keylogger is the easiest way to
hack Yahoo password. A keylogger is a small program that records each
and every keystroke (including passwords) that a user types on a
specific computer’s keyboard. A keylogger is also called as spy program or spy software.
To use it, you don’t need to have any special knowledge. Anyone with a
basic knowledge of computer should be able to install and use this
software. With my experience, I recommend the following two keyloggers
as the best for hacking Yahoo password.
1. Realtime-Spy (Tested)
2. WinSpy (Tested)
Yes, you can! Since both Realtime-Spy and WinSpy offers Remote Installation Feature, it is possible to remotely install the keylogger on the target computer. However, it will also work on a local computer.
How to use Realtime-Spy?
1. After you download it, you will be
able to create the installation module. You need to email this module to
the remote user as an attachment.
2. When the remote user runs the
module, it will get installed silently and the monitoring process will
begin. The keystrokes are captured and uploaded to the Realtime-Spy
servers continuously.
3. You can login to your online Realtime-Spy account (you get this after purchase) to see the logs which contains the password.
If you have physical access to the target computer, you can simply
install the module by yourself without the need to email it as an
The working of Winspy is somewhat similar to that of Realtime-Spy.
Once I install Realtime-Spy, can the victim come to know about it’s presence?
No. The victim will not come to know
about it’s presence on his/her computer. This is because, after the
installation, Realtime-Spy will run in a total stealth mode.
Unlike other spy programs, it will never show up in start-menu,
start-up, program files, add/remove programs or task manager.
Can I be traced back if I install it on some other computer?
No, it’s almost impossible to trace back to you for installing the keylogger on other’s computer.
How safe is to use Realtime-Spy?
Realtime-Spy is completely safe to
use since all the customer databases remain confidential and
private. Realtime-Spy will neither collect any information from your
system nor will contact you in any way unless you request assistance.
What are the other features of Realtime-Spy software?
1. With Realtime-Spy, you can gain
access to any password protected account including Yahoo, Gmail,
Hotmail, MySpace, Facebook etc.
2. This software will not only capture passwords, but will also take screenshots and record chat conversations.
3. This product is extremely easy to use so that, even novice users can install and use it with ease.
2. Other Ways To Hack Yahoo Password
The other most commonly used trick to hack Yahoo password is by using a fake login Page (also called as Phishing).
Today, phishing is the most widely used technique to hack Yahoo
password. A fake login page is a page that appears exactly similar to
the login pages of sites like Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook etc. The victim is
tricked to believe this fake login page to be the real one. But once
he/she enters the password there, they end up losing it.
Phishing can be very effective when
implemented successfully. But creating a fake login page and taking it
online to make the hack attempt successful is not an easy job.
It demands an in depth technical knowledge of HTML and scripting
languages like PHP or JSP.
So, if you are new to the concept of
hacking passwords, then I recommend the use of keyloggers as the best to
hack Yahoo password.
Vodafone SMS
Vodafone Free SMS Tips 2012 | Hack Vodafone SMS 2012 Tricks | Send Free Sms Vodafone To Vodafone
How ever we are glad for our
vodafone users, since we have a best trick for them. Many of us are
affected by the recent tariff hike by operators and cutting rental on
free sms. I request all user’s to try this trick and give their comments
with state.
Its a very simple trick to save your money and to send more sms. So here we go.
Step1 : Just sms the below sms to 144
'ACT BONUS 1' To 144
Its a daily rental plan which you will loose daily Rs1 from your a/c.
But dont worry just continue and you will get a conformation msg saying
bonus 1 has been activated and you got 1oo local sms for 1day which
expires at 12pm midnight. Rs1 will also deduct from ur a/c for
activating this msg offer.
Step2 : Send 1 msg to any number you like and check msg balance by dialling *142#. Then u will see 99msgs
Step3 : Again sms ‘CAN BONUS 1′ to 144.
You will get confirmation that your bonus 1 offer has been deactivated.
Vodafone GPRS
Vodafone Free Gprs Hacked By Dailyhackingtips - Free Vodafone Internet In High Speed - 2G And 3G Hack
Hello To All World Of DataMind Readers .
Today I am going to share vodafone free trick For March 2012 . When you
will try this trick then you will get 6 GB Free Internet Data For
Minimum 6 Months . This Latest Trick Already Tested before published in
Rajasthan . Let's Follow Below Step For Hack Vodafone Gprs .
Just You Type ACT FB And Then Send It To 144
After Some Moments You Will Automatically Get Confirmation Msg .
If You Want Increase Your Internet Data Then Try this Again In Same Process
That's It Now You Are Done :)
And Please Try This Gprs Trick in Low Balance .
Monday, 30 April 2012
Airtel Free Internet on PC 2g 3g Using Cproxy VPN Unlimited Trick April
1. First You Open CPProxy Website Then Download Setup
2. Now You Sing UP For cpproxy And You Will get Your Use ID And Password By Email
3. Now Configure Your Browser And IDM As.
Proxy -
Port - 3128
4. Now You Install Setup And Enter Your User ID Ans Password
5. Now Select Server - UDP9201
That's it Now You Are Done .
Now You can Enjoy Free Airtel Gprs Trick in High Speed Internet .
How To Delete Anyone's Profile From Facebook
I Really Work Hard To Make This Tips Work, So Please Share The Article To Help Me Little.
Main Key Of The Article Is When Many Users Report Any One's Profile
(App. 25-50 Times), His Account Will Be Delete By The Facebook Team.
So We Will Do It Here. And Here Is A Post That How Can Report Profile 500 Or More Time So His Profile Will Be Deleted For Sure.
First Of We Want To Make A Event But If You Make A Event With Your Account Then Your Name Will Be Shown On The Event Page. See The Image..
We Have Also A Tips To Not Show Your Name On The Event Page. So The
Victim Can Not Know That You Are About To Delete His Account.
So Don't Worry He Never Knows That You Are Delete His/Her Account.
Follow The Step By Step Guide To Disable Anyone's Account Without Knowing Him.
Step 1
We Need To Make A Facebook Page. ( Name It Anything I Suggest Name To
Suite With Event Name ) I Think Many Of You Know About How To Make A
FaceBook Page. But Some Peoples Not Know How To Make It So This First
Step For Their.
If You Know How To Make A Facebook Page Then You Can Simply Ignore This Step.
So If You Not know How To Make It Then Follow The Guide.
- Go To Click Here
- Select Any Category And Name Your Page And Click Get Started.
-Fill Up Captcha And
-Fill Up Other Info And Click Continue.
Your Page Is Ready.
Step 2
Now We Need To Make An Event From The Page That we Make So Our Identity Can Secure.
To Make A Event From The Page You Made Follow The Procedure Below.
- Go To The Page You Made.
- In Right Side Of Page Click On Use Facebook as Your Page Name.
-Fill Up Other Info And Click Continue.
Your Page Is Ready.
Step 2
Now We Need To Make An Event From The Page That we Make So Our Identity Can Secure.
To Make A Event From The Page You Made Follow The Procedure Below.
- Go To The Page You Made.
- In Right Side Of Page Click On Use Facebook as Your Page Name.
Now You Learned How To Make A Page And How To Make A Event From A Page.
And Now You Have To Learn How To Make Event Attractive So Peoples Do All That You Say.
So Follow The Step 3.
Step 3
In Event Name Type An Attractive Title.
Ex. Win An Apple IPhone For Free
Choose Start And End Date To Anything.
Location Anything Ex. Facebook
Now In Details First 2-4 Lines Write Your Event More Info.
Ex. Now It's Very Easy To Own A Apple Iphone For Free. Follow The Below Step To Make It Own Right Now.
Now After This You Have Write Exactly Like Below But You Can Make Changes In It.
Step 1. Invite 50-100 Friends To This Event.
Step 2. Go This Link Victim Facebook Profile Url Here And At The Left Side Bottom Click On REPORT/BLOCK When Pop-Up Window Is Open Select "This Person Is Bullying Or Harassing Me" And Click Continue 2 Times And You Are Done.
You Will Be Get The Mobile Within One Week If Completed All Steps.
You Will Be Get The Mobile Within One Week If Completed All Steps.
Change Victim Facebook Profile Url Here With Url Of Victim Whom Facebook You Want To Hack.
Change Other Lines Which Suite Your Event Name.
Change Other Lines Which Suite Your Event Name.
Just See The Sample Event Page
Put An Attractive Image To Event That Suit Your Event.
Now Invite 50-100 Friend To Your Event. Then It Will Be Increase Hour By Hour.
If You Have More Friends Than Invite More To Delete The Victim's Facebook Profile Fast.Note : You Can Also Make A Fake Account Instead Of Page. But Page Is More Secure Than The Fake Account.
That's All.
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